Hubli Students have at least one Pc at home, and Talking over Facebook. You
people not only wasting time but also loosing opportunity to earn money at home
as you can learn the skills of typing work and work from comfort of home.
Hubli Students
find out the shops in your locality where printing work is done and ask the internet
owner about the part time jobs related to typing and editing of documents.
Every cafe shop owner may not have that much time to handle work of typing for
many customers alone.
With help
local student he can assign you part time job and share income form the typing
work. Internet shop owner will allow you to take work at home and receive the
same after evening. You have good chance to earn descent money from such jobs.
Student if you are expert in typing work or know the basic of MS office for
Word and Excel or even Photoshop basics then make money by use option of Auto
correct on word to make common words short for example.
Hubli Students if you use phrase related to local
area “Hubli city Karnataka” then use
setting in autocorrect shortcut word that is just type “hck”