Tuesday, 21 April 2015

How To Convert Normal PC Screen to Touch Screen

          Now they discover a new device to change the normal computer screen to touch screen.Now all electronic products are developing with the touch screen facilities eg:(all smart phones)
           Now, a new upcoming OS Version 10 (Operating System  version 10) is developed with the special
touch screen facilities. In addition to the touch screen facilities, other major facilities are also with that.
          A new device named “Deopad” is introduced to change the normal computer screen to Touch screen and also with all touch screen facilities. This device is very small and looks like ipad size.
       In this device, IR camera is used. With the use of this camera, touch screen can be used. Like mouse, we can touch, move and tap in this pad. This movements are scanned by the camera and send to the computer. The hand image scanned by the camera will be dull and black, so that we can able to choose the icon which we need by touching that. It minimizes the usage of the keyboard and mouse. Joining with India COCO company, this device is coming to market for Sales.

    On December 2015, this device will be in market in all countries. Now this device available in USA only.