Sunday, 5 April 2015

How to Grow Onion & Earn More in India?

Crop Distribution  

Onion is growing in countries of the world, like India, China, Netherland, Pakistan, Spain and Iran. In India onion growing states are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa, A.P., U. P., Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Bihar.



 Importance and Uses

Onion is one of the most important commercial cash vegetable crop growing in India. The demand of onion is world wide. It is rich in minerals like phosphorus and calcium. The pungency in onion is due to a volatile oil known as allyl-propyl-disulphide.
  It is used both in raw and mature bulb as vegetables and spices. It is also used as salad and cooked in many like Curtis, fried, boiled, baked, making soup and pickles. Many time it is used as medicine and application on wound and boils. Value addition in onion is done by dehydration and marketed abroad. Mature bulbs also can be stored for a long period and can be transported for a long distance.

Climatic Requirement

Onion can be grown under wide climatic condition. But it succeeds best in mild season. It can not be stand in extreme heat or cold excessive rainfall. Moist, humid and cloudy weather increased insects and diseases.

Growing Season

Onion can be grown during monsoon (June -July) to rabi (January -February). 
Monsoon season suited varieties are N-53,Agri foundation dark red, Basamat -780,and Arka kalyan.

Rabi season suited varieties are Agri foundation light red, Junagadh local (yellow), Talaja red, Gujarat white onion and Pusa red.

Planting Time

Onion can be grown from June to January according to variety. Variety should select according to planting time.


Planting method depend upon

 soil and climatic condition. There are three methods of planting.
1. Raising seedling and transplanting.
2. Planting small bulb directly in the field.
3. Broadcasting or drilling of seed directly in the field.

Planting Methods


Seed Rate
Broadcasting or drilling : 12 - 15 kg/ha.Transplanting:  8 - 10  kg/ha.

In transplanting method first seeding is raised in nursery with proper care. Seedling will ready for transplanting after 45 - 50 days after sowing. Transplanting is done keeping distance 15 x 10  or. 10 x 10 cm.

Manures and Fertilizer
Apply 10 - 15 t/ha well rotted farmyard manure  at the time of soil preparation. Manure must be incorporated with the soil.

Fertilizer requirement is varies according to planting season. In monsoon season  Nitrogen 100 kg/ha., Phosphorus  50 kg/ha., Potash 50 kg/ha and Sulphur 50 kg/ha. requires, while in late monsoon and rabi season Nitrogen 150 kg/ha., Phosphorus 50 kg/ha., Potash 80 kg/ha., and Sulphur 50 kg/ha. requires. According to planting season total requirement P, K, S. and half quantity of N is apply at the time of planting. Remaining half quantity of N is apply as top dressing in two split one at 30 - 35 days after transplanting and second at 50 - 60 days after transplanting. In top dressing application use of Ammonium sulphate is beneficial as source of nitrogen. Application of bacterial culture like Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria increasing availability of nitrogen and phosphorus.


Irrigation requirement is varies according to soil type, climatic condition and crop growth stage. Crop requires less water at initial stage and more water at time of bulb formation and development.

First irrigation requires immediate after transplanting and second is 3 - 4 days after transplanting. These two irrigations are important for establishment of seedling. After establishment of crop 8 - 10 days interval irrigation requires. Interval should change according to soil and climatic condition.


Weed Control
Crop is very infested by weed in initial stage. There may be drastic reduction in yield if proper weed control measures are not taken. Integrated approach, mechanical, hand weeding and use of weedicide keeps crop weed free. Application Fluchloralin 40 ml./ 10 litre water or Pendimethalin 60 ml./10 litre water or Oxyfluorfen 10 ml./10 litre water at pre planting + one or two hand weeding after one month of planting is required for keeping crop weed free


Crop Protection
Insect control: Thrips are minute insect that damage the epidermis of leaves or stems and suck the plant sap resulting in white bitches on leaves. Severe infestation result in leaf blasting and collapse. Bulbs remains small size resulting in reduction of yield. For control of thrips and other sucking type insect, application of systemic insecticide is required.

Disease control:  Diseases damage crop in field and in store also. Diseases like purple blotch, stemphylium blight, anthracnose, downy mildew and leaf blight damages crop in the field. Diseases like leaf blight, bulb rot, black mold and neck rot damages the bulbs in store. Proper control measures should be taken at proper time.


For improving keeping quality of bulbs, pre harvest treatment of MH is required. Spraying of Maleic Hydrazide (2000 -2500 ppm) prevent rooting and sprouting of bulbs during storage. Maturity of onion depend on season, variety and weather condition. Harvesting of crop at proper maturity stage is very important. It affects on keeping quality of bulb. Thick neck bulb which are premature can not store for long period. Late harvesting leads to increase respiration and leads to diseases and excessive sprouting during storage.

Crop is ready for harvest when leaves collapse and start to dry and neck becomes thin. Color of the leaves become light yellow to yellow. These are important symptoms of maturity of crop. Mature bulbs are harvested by hand pulling and left in the field along with leaves for 7 - 8 days for curing. Bulbs are avoided by direct sunlight.


Small, damaged and disease affected bulbs are removed. Healthy and bold uniform bulbs packed in gunny bag and send to market for sale.

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