Saturday, 4 April 2015

What is the best time to take protein to build muscle?

Proteins are the most important nutrients for who wants to build muscle and especially for those who are really hard cause. By targeting the moments perfectly or will bring you to your body the protein he needs, you can greatly improve the expected results of your workouts.

The best times to take its proteins are:

Wake up, the first thing to do as soon as one wakes up:
This will break the long fast of the night with a direct and rapid protein intake. When you wake up your body is in a State catabolic it is a stage where the body does not build but degrades muscle tissue. At this point a whey shake or whey isolate (more rapid assimilation) is the most appropriate in the morning upon waking.

Just before bedtime:
While you sleep, your muscles are at perfect rest, this is where they grow and so it there that they need the maximum of nutrients to grow. Your body will have a period of 8 hours to recover and rebuild the fibers destroyed by training, so it's a slow protein like casein, which is ideal for the contribution of night.

Immediately after workout:
Within 20 minutes following the workout, your body starts to recover from its state of fatigue. Also he needs to replenish its reserves of glycogen. At that time bring him a good dose of protein is instant ideal. Complete this intake of protein with a source of fast carbohydrates and you accelerate the process of transport and assimilation of proteins. There also a fast protein is appropriate

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